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tamoadmin 2024-07-07 人已围观

简介1.英语天气预报2.英语天气预报作文?带翻译的!3.英文天气预报(带翻译.500字)4.跪求天气预报 英语翻译 急~~~5.用英语来写10个天气预报有翻译。6.翻译天气预报Weather Weather affects all of us in one way or another,directly or indirectly.For example,good weather makes us h




4.跪求天气预报 英语翻译 急~~~




Weather Weather affects all of us in one way or another,directly or indirectly.For example,good weather makes us happy,bad weather makes us sick and depressed.Besides,on a fine day,we can go out for a walk or play a game in the open.On a rainy day,however,we can only stay indoors.In a word,weather is part of life for all of us. We are concerned about weather.The first thing that many of us do after getting up is to see what the weather is like.With knowledge of the weather,people can arrange work and life of the day.If it is fine,we may decide to go on a picnic.If it is cloudy,we will have to take a raincoat or an umbrella with us when we are leaving our houses.Whatever the weather may be,we tend to adjust our activities to it accordingly. In order to know what the weather will be,special people are hired to provide the information.They collect data,analyze them and predict the weather of the coming day.Such information,which is announced on the radio or on TV,is usually very accurate.Thanks to the efforts of those professionals,we can always know the weather in advance and get prepared for it. 天气 天气在这方面或那方面,直接或间接 地影响着我们.譬如,好天气使人们心 情舒畅,坏天气使人们心情抑郁.另 外,天气好,人们还能外出散步或户外 玩耍.而在雨天里,也只好呆在家里. 总之,天气是我们生活的一部分. 起床后许多人要做的第一件事是看 天气.知道天气情况的人就能安排一 天的工作和生活了.如果天气好,他可 能会决定去野餐.如果是阴天,他得在 离开家时带件雨衣或带把雨伞.不管 天气是好是坏,人们会根据天气来调 整自己的活动. 为了知道天气情况,一些专门人才被 组织起来提供天气信息.他们收集资 料,分析资料,预测来日天气.这种在 电台或电视台上发布的信息通常是 很准确的.多亏了这些专业人员,我们 才能够提前了解天气情况,并且为未 来的天气变化做好准备.


Tere is a weather report!

? In Sunday ,it is going to be sunny and winday in the morning.The wind is not big .In the afternoon . Tt is going to be very hot,not have rain .In the evening it will cool! And at night it going to be rainy,but not big .

? In Monday , it is going to be ?moderate rain in the morning ,the wind is not very big . In the afternoon ,the rain will very big ,it is very cold ! And the wind will very big too . In the evening the rain will to decrease。

? In Tuesday ,it is going to be sunny in the morning . ti is will warm, ?and in the afternoon ,it is going to be very hot !the good weather is coming !!!

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Good morning ! It's 7 o'clock. Here’s the weather report for some big cities in China.It is cloudy in Beijing,the highest temperature is 35 centidegrees and the lowest 25 centidegrees.In the northeast of China,Harbin, it is going to be rainy all day.Be sure to go out with your umbrellas.In Hong Kong there’s a beautiful sunshine.If you plan to travel there,the temperature is mild.The highest is 27 and the lowest 19 centidegrees.

That’s the weather report for today . Thank you for listening

早上好!现在7点钟。下面是一些中国大城市的天气报告。北京多云,最高温度为35摄氏度,最低25摄氏度.中国东北的哈尔滨,全天有雨.外出请带好您的雨伞.香港有美丽的阳光.如果您计划去那里,气温很柔和。温度最高为27 ,最低19摄氏度。



北京日期 天气现象 气温 风向 风力

8日星期四 夜间 阴 低温 10℃ 无持续风向 微风

9日星期五 白天 阴 高温 15℃ 无持续风向 微风

夜间 阴 低温 5℃ 无持续风向 微风

10日星期六 白天 多云 高温 15℃ 无持续风向 微风

夜间 阴 低温 6℃ 无持续风向 微风

11日星期日 白天 阴 高温 14℃ 无持续风向 微风

夜间 阵雨 低温 6℃ 无持续风向 微风 Date weather phenomena temperature wind direction wind

Thursday, 8 night overcast temperature 10 ℃ without sustained wind breeze

High temperature during the day Friday, 9 overcast 15 ℃ without sustained wind breeze

Overcast night temperature 5 ℃ without sustained wind breeze

Cloudy during the day Saturday, 10 non-sustained high temperature 15 ℃ breeze wind

6 ℃ cold overcast night without sustained wind breeze

11 overcast temperature 14 ℃ during the day Sunday, no sustained wind breeze

6 ℃ cold showers at night without sustained wind breeze

跪求天气预报 英语翻译 急~~~

Weather Forecast

A cold front is swinging in from Canada while a warm front is moving up from the Pacific. Meanwhile, precipitation is developing in the southern part of the state while strong wind is moving down from the north. There could be 3 to 5 inches of snow on Thursday or Friday if it gets cold enough. Otherwise there could be havey rain. Yet there still exists the possibility that the clouds may be pushed out by wind well before then. So frankly we have no idea whatsoever on what the weather will be like next week.


This is roughly the weather forecast on a local channel here in Portland during the weekend...one of the most bizarre and honest weather forecasts I've ever watched. It is refreshing to see that at least one of these so-called meteorologists (AKA weather men ... or women) understands the truth about the business -- one can never predict the weather, just like one can never predict life.



Welcome to today's weather forecast. Recent zhuhai temperature rising, let a person feel as if spring has come, warm warm sunshine in the body is very comfortable. But this kind of situation will not last long, today and tomorrow there will be a cold air raids, temperature will begin to decline, night and day, large temperature difference, please plan works, add warm clothes, prevent colds. Rainy may for your trip to bring inconvenience when going out, so please take an umbrella just in case.

Today's weather is suitable for sports, everybody can more exercise.

Below we look together tomorrow weather the specific circumstances of day tomorrow cloudy, dongfeng 3-4 class, the tallest temperature 17 ℃, minimum temperature ℃, evening 8 sometimes has to rain.

Thanks for listening, we hope our students good good study, day day up

Writing is tomorrow wuxi's weather forecast, for this is not very understand, have the wrong place still please change, still can add another if something please add below, do not copy of!!!!



According to the weather station monitoring display, because today is the world environment day, the world's factories are shut down one day, tomorrow we will have a brief good weather. There will be a timely rain in the northwest and southwest regions of China, which will effectively alleviate the local drought, and please prepare the local residents for the storage of water for production and living. The eastern region will end a year of rainy weather, there is a brief clear. The country will generally cool 20 degrees, the average maximum temperature is only 25. Tomorrow there will be a fresh air from the south to enter our country, please have the conditions of the public to do a good job in the preparation of fresh air.


It's 6:30, 3rd November. The weather is fine today.Welcome to the weatherforecast. It rainy in Juji, sunnu in Shanghai and cloudy in Beijing. That's it for today's weatherforecast. See you tomorrow.